McCall’s Magazine was a monthly American women’s magazine that enjoyed great popularity through much of the 20th century, peaking at a readership of 8.4 million in the early 1960s.
In one of their monthly prints, they published an article titled “129 ways to get a husband” and given how different the single/dating world is today, I thought it was worth a re-print. ENJOY!
“In the United States today there are sixteen million women over the age of seventeen who are not married. Presumably the vast majority of them would like to be.”
- Get a dog and walk it.
- Have your car break down at strategic places.
- Attend night school – take courses men like.
- Join a hiking club.
- Look in the census reports for places with the most single men. Nevada has 125 males for every 100 females.
- Read the obituaries to find eligible widowers.
- Take up golf and go to different golf courses.
- Take several short vacations at different places rather than one long one at one place.
- Sit on a park bench and feed the pigeons.
- Take a bicycle trip through Europe.
- Get a job in a medical, dental or law school.
- Become a nurse or an airline stewardess – they have very high marriage rates.
- Ask your friends’ husbands who the eligible men are in their offices.
- Be nice to everybody – they may have an eligible brother or son.
- Get a government job overseas.
- Volunteer for jury duty.
- Be friendly to ugly men – handsome is as handsome does.
- Tell your friends that you are interested in getting married. Don’t keep it a secret.
- Get lost at football games.
- Don’t take a job in a company run largely by women.
- Get a job demonstrating fishing tackle in a sporting goods store.
- On a plane, train or bus don’t sit next to a woman – sit next to a man.
- Go to all reunions of your high school or college class. There may be widowers there.
- Don’t be afraid to associate with more attractive girls; they may have some leftovers.
- Go back to your hometown for a visit – the wild kid next door may have become a very eligible bachelor while you were away.
- Don’t room with a girl who is a sad sack and let her pull you down to her level.
- Get a part-time job in a convention bureau.
- Change apartments from time to time.
- When traveling, stay at small hotels where it is easier to meet strangers.
- Learn to paint. Set up easel outside engineering school.
- Stumble when you walk into a room that he’s in.
- Forget discretion every once in a while and call him up.
- Carry a hatbox.
- Wear a Band-Aid. People always ask what happened.
- Make a lot of money.
- Learn several funny stories and learn to tell them well – but make sure you don’t tell them to him more than once.
- Walk up to him and tell him you need some advice.
- Dropping the handkerchief still works.
- Have your father buy some theater tickets that have to be got rid of.
- Stand in a corner and cry softly. Chances are good that he’ll come over to find out what’s wrong.
- Don’t let him fish for your name the next time you meet. None of this “guess who” stuff.
- If you’re at a resort, have the bell-boy page you.
- Buy a convertible. Men like to ride in them.
- Learn how to bake tasty apple pies. Bring one in to the office and let the eligible bachelors taste it.
- Laugh at his jokes.
- If there’s a wallflower among the men you know, why not cultivate him? For all you know, he may be a diamond in the rough.
- “Accidentally” have your purse fly open, scattering its contents all over the street.
- Men like to think they’re the authorities on perfume. Ask his advice on what kind you should wear.
- Get better-looking glasses – men still make passes at girls who wear glasses – or try contact lenses.
- Practice your drinking with your women friends first.
- If you dye your hair, pick a shade and stick to it.
- Wear high heels most of the time – they’re sexier!
- Unless he happens to be shorter than you are!
- Tell him he’s handsome.
- Take good care of your health. Men don’t like girls who are ill.
- If you look good in sweaters, wear one on every third date.
- Dress differently from the other girls in the office.
- Get a sunburn.
- Watch your vocabulary.
- Go on a diet if you need to.
- When you are with him, order your steak rare.
- Don’t tell him about your allergies.
- European women use their eyes to good advantage. Practice in front of a mirror.
- Buy a full-length mirror and take a good look before you go to greet him.
- Change the shade of your stockings and be sure to keep the seams straight!
- Get that fresh-scrubbed look by scrubbing!
- If he has bought you any trinket or accessory, wear it.
- Use the ashtray; don’t crush out cigarettes in coffee cups!
- Polish up on making introductions; learn to do them gracefully.
- Don’t be too fussy.
- Stick to your moral standards.
- Don’t whine – girls who whine stay on the vine!
- Show him you can have fun on a cheap date – but don’t overdo it!
- Don’t let your parents treat him like a potential husband.
- Ask your parents to disappear when you’re entertaining!
- Double-date with a happily married couple – let him see what it’s like!
- Tell his friends nice things about him.
- Send his mother a birthday card.
- Ask his mother for her recipes.
- Talk to his father about business and agree that taxes are too high!
- Buy his sister’s children an occasional present.
- On the first date tell him you aren’t thinking of getting married!
- Don’t talk about how many children you want.
- If he’s a fisherman, learn to scale and clean fish.
- Don’t tell him everything about yourself at the start. Hold something in reserve.
- When you’re out strolling with him, don’t insist on stopping at every shop window.
- Don’t tell him how much your clothes cost.
- Learn to sew and wear something you have made yourself.
- Don’t gossip about him.
- Never let him know he’s the only one, even if you have to stay home one or two nights a week!
- Don’t be a pushover when he’s trying to make a date.
- Very early in your dating, why not get a favorite song that you both regard as your own?
- Find out about the girls he hasn’t married. Don’t repeat the mistakes they made.
- Don’t discuss your former boyfriends.
- If you are widowed or divorced, don’t constantly discuss your former husband.
- Be flexible. If he decides to skip the dance and go rowing on the lake, go – even if you are wearing your best evening gown.
- Hide your Phi Beta Kappa key if you own one – later on junior can play with it.
- Turn wolves into husband material by assuming they have honor.
- Resist the urge to make him over – before marriage, that is!
- Learn where to draw the line – but do it gracefully.
- Remain innocent but not ignorant.
- Make your home comfortable when he calls – large ashtrays, comfortable chairs.
- Learn to play poker.
- If he’s rich, tell him you like his money – the honesty will intrigue him!
- Never let him believe your career is more important to him than marriage.
- Buy him an amusing or particularly appropriate present everyone once in a while. But don’t make it too expensive.
- Clip and mail him a funny cartoon that means something to both of you.
- Don’t tell dirty stories.
- Stop being a mama’s girl – don’t let him think he’ll have in-law trouble, even if you know he will!
- Point out to him that the death rate of single men is twice that of married men.
- Go to Yale.
- Get a hunting license.
- If your mother is fat, tell him you take after your father. If he’s fat too, tell him you’re adopted!
- Stow away on a battleship.
- Rent a billboard and post your picture and telephone number on it.
- Paint your name and number on your roof and say, “Give me a buzz, pilots.”
- Start a whispering campaign on how sought-after you are.
- Sink at a fashionable beach at high noon!
- Ride the airport bus back and forth from the airport.
- Bribe Ferris-wheel operator to get you stuck on the top of a Ferris wheel.
- Stand on a busy street corner with a lasso.
- Carry a camera and ask strange, handsome men if they would mind snapping your picture.
- Ask your mother to take in male boarders.
- Make and sell toupees – bald men are easy catches!
- Advertise for male co-owner of a boat.
- If you see a man with a flat, offer to fix it.
- Carry a tow chain in the trunk of your automobile.
- Let it be known in your office that you have a button box and will sew on bachelors’ loose buttons.
- Don’t marry him if he has too many loose buttons!
If this list does not work for you, consider some of the options found here: