Rod’s Blog: 2012 Year in review

to blog or not to blogAs 2012 comes to an end, so does my first year as an official blogger.  I never thought I would join the blogging community and now I can’t imagine not being a part of it.  Though I have been writing for years and have been published numerous times in both magazines and newspapers, there is something unique and special and different about writing for a blog.  No editors, no deadlines, no word limits or endless revisions.  I have also made some new friends along the way, an added benefit that I did not anticipate when I made the decision to blog.

As you may know, my goal was to write a “thought-provoking blog about life, mistakes, faith, hope and grace.  Oh, and sometimes it is funny.”  With each post, I have tried to stay true to that guideline.  I have written about life with posts about birthdays, Boy Scouts, dating, school shootings, freedom of speech, abortion,& suicide.   Many of the posts mention the many mistakes I have made in my life and the subsequent lessons I have learned from them.  I have tried to weave faith, hope, grace and humor through each post as they are aspects we all need regardless of our personal situation.  I even offer some free parental advice in posts like “How to raise a rebellious child”, “The corrective brace” and “Parenting in the technological age.”  

I thought I would use this final post to share some fun facts about my blog as of today (December 31, 2012) – the last day of the year.   For those who have encouraged me to write again – thank you.  For those who have read my posts, forwarded them to others, made comments, suggestions and critiques – thank you as well.   My blog would not be where it is today without you.

2012 Fun Blog Facts:

  •        90   – Number of posts written this year (total)
  •        17   – Most number posts written in a given month (May)
  •          4   – Least number of posts written in a given month (April & November)
  • 48,638   – Number of people who have read my blog
  • 22,514   – Most viewed month (July)
  •   7,098   – Most views in one day
  • 18,272   – Most read blog (The Dark Knight Rises Indeed)
  •      151   – Number of countries that have seen my blog

Top 10 most views by country: 



United States 36,096
Canada 1,092
United Kingdom 1,008
Netherlands 657
Australia 608
Philippines 590
Thailand 436
India 429
Italy 427
Germany 402

Top 10 most popular posts (by views)

  1. The Dark Knight Rises Indeed
  2. Holy Kiss
  3. If the Apostle Paul had Facebook
  4. Welcome to my cloud in the blogosphere
  5. How are you doing?
  6. Stop complaining!
  7. About me?
  8. I’ve fallen and can’t get up
  9. Letter to my son: As you enter high school
  10. The Amish Fragrance

Source: 2012 Annual Report

See you in the New Year!